Commercial Insurance Assured™
By choosing Drayden to insure your fleet of vehicles, commercial property or farm you may qualify for our Assured™ program.
Features of our Commercial Insurance Assured™ Program
Strategy Meeting Assured™
Regular scheduled strategy meetings provide an opportunity for you and your broker to discuss your policy limits and coverage’s, current and future risk exposures, ways of managing those risk exposures, plus much more.
Cyber Assured™
With the growing risk associated with electronic data and holding sensitive information, no business is immune to the threat of cybercrime. Drayden Insurance Ltd. will identify areas of cyber risk and ways of managing them.
Building Appraisal Assured™
Proper building values can have a major impact on a business opening the doors again in the event of an insured loss. A professional building appraisal will protect your financial position and provide you piece of mind in a claims situation.
Loss Control Inspection Assured™
Most insurance losses could have been avoided if certain precautions would have been taken. Being pro-active with a risk inspection allows you to minimize your exposures to loss and enhance your existing risk management program.
Claims Assured™
A claim big or small can have a devastating effect on your business. This can affect your customers, employees, suppliers, reputation and your time. Our systematic process will ensure all aspects of the claim are dealt with efficiently, minimizing the over-all impact on your business.
Disaster Planning Assured™
Following a disaster, it is anything but “business as usual” for you, your employees and customers. The sooner you can return your business to normal operations, the quicker you can restore income, jobs and the goods and services your community has come to depend on.